Believe it or not, I started designing websites back in the mid-90's. The 14-year-old version of myself got very interested in building a website on GeoCities (does anyone remember that?!) and I learned web design by hand coding HTML into the notepad app!

There have been a lot of twists and turns since then, but somehow, it led me back to web design and the world of virtual assistance.

Hi there, I'm Jen!

If you're a creative small business owner, I'd love to support you!

I've found there are few things I enjoy more than helping other small business owners succeed. The small business community is such a welcoming and wonderful place!

I didn't always set out to be a virtual assistant—that wasn't really a thing back when I was in college. I actually went to school for art and ended up with a degree in graphic design.

I never felt like I was a good enough designer though and ended up doing administrative work for the next ten years (because, oddly enough, I really enjoy that work as well).

I finally got fed up with the corporate world and decided to start my own art business. While I did sell a few pieces, I didn't love that I *had* to sell them or I couldn't pay the bills.

Enter virtual assistance.

the rest of my story...

Through being a VA the last couple of years, I've learned a lot about my likes and dislikes, and reinforced that I still love design (and, clearly, color haha).

So here we are, a far cry from the mid-90's, but back to website design. In addition to that, I discovered my love for process and organization, so I'm able to satisfy both parts of my brain by being a virtual assistant!

My business name, The Organized Creative, came about from a conversation with a friend. She told me that even my creative work was somewhat organized and I thought, you know, that would be a good name for my business. So here I am. It's great to meet you!

Things I love

Being an aunt

Breakfast food


Quiet mornings

Working from home

Abstract art

A nice latte

Being outdoors

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